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Contact Robert Hale |
John A. Tatoian Credit & Debt Collection Civil & Human Rights Legal Malpractice Consumer Protection P.O. BOX 536 Springfield 01108 US
Jon D. Berman Accident & Injury Car Accident Workers' Compensation 819 Clark Street South Windsor 06074 US
James W. Bergenn Criminal Personal Injury Civil & Human Rights Accident & Injury Car Accident One Constitution Plaza Hartford 06103 US
Robert A Salerno Criminal Workers' Compensation Personal Injury Divorce & Family Law Wills & Probate 355 Prospect Street Torrington 06790 US
Steven Howard Levy Divorce & Family Law Criminal Personal Injury Wills & Probate Real Estate 355 Prospect Street Torrington 06790 US
Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney and DUI Lawyer, Robert J. Hale is aformer Deputy District Attorney and a California Bar-Certified Specialist inCriminal Law* with over fourteen years of criminal trial experience in courtsall over Los Angeles County and southern California. Attorney Hale hassuccessfully handled thousands of criminal cases and successfully defendedpersons charged with murder, assault, battery, domestic violence, robbery,burglary, theft, lewd conduct, rape, molestation and other sex offenses, as wellas drug possession, drug sales, DUI and drunk driving related DMV suspensions.He has tried nearly 70 jury trials, and has a 93% Success Rate in felonycriminal jury trials. Attorney Hale has the experience that counts--IN COURT!!
Robert Hale attended prestigious Loyola Law School, where he was selected tosit on the Scott Moot Court Honors Board. He took First Place in the Roger J.Traynor California State Moot Court Competition, and was awarded "BestAdvocate in the state of California. Admitted to the California State Bar in1990, Mr. Hale served almost nine years as a Los Angeles County Deputy DistrictAttorney, before opening his own law firm in 1999, focusing exclusively oncriminal defense.
His experience as a former Deputy District Attorney gives Mr. Hale invaluableinsight in dealing effectively with prosecutors and courts to obtain the bestresults for you. His extensive courtroom experience and exceptional trial skillsgive you the best defense possible.
Robert Hale graduated with Honors in 1978, after obtaining a CertificateDEtudes Francaise from the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. He speaksfluent French and Italian. A trained actor, Attorney Hale has given trainingseminars on Acting Tips and Communication Skills for Attorneys.
Robert J. Hale is a Member of: The California State Bar Association The LosAngeles County Bar Association California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
FIGHTBACK! Being arrested is a frightening experience. Police and prosecutors try to make you feel helpless and alone.
ICAN HELP YOU! You have rightsthat protect you! You also probably have many defenses of which youare unaware! You need an experienced attorney who knows the system tofight for you and get the best results possible. I know how to makethe law work for you!
√ CriminalLaw Specialist!
√ Former Deputy District Attorney!
YOUNEED TO ACT QUICKLY! Everyhour that you delay in securing legal representation could aid police andprosecutors in building a case against you and deprive you of valuable rights.
THEREIS A SOLUTION! Comein and see me. Together we will find a solution to your problem. Your initial conference is absolutely FREE! If you are unable to call, please have a family member or friend call for you.
CRIMINAL DEFENSE AND NOTHING BUT CRIMINALDEFENSE! TheLaw Offices of Robert J. Hale handles ALL Criminal Matters: