Income Tax Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.))

received by a taxpayer in a taxation year means the total of all amounts each of which is an amount received by the taxpayer in the year from a trustee under the plan, minus any amounts deductible under subsections 147(11) and 147(12) in computing the income of the taxpayer for the year; ( prestation en vertu d’un régime de participation différée aux bénéfices )

means sands or other rock materials containing naturally occurring hydrocarbons (other than coal) which hydrocarbons have

includes the proceeds to a taxpayer from the sale of a post-dated bill drawn by the taxpayer on a bank; ( argent emprunté )

includes a profession, calling, trade, manufacture or undertaking of any kind whatever and, except for the purposes of paragraph 18(2)(c), section 54.2, subsection 95(1) and paragraph 110.6(14)(f), an adventure or concern in the nature of trade but does not include an office or employment; ( commerce )

of a corporation for a taxation year means the amount determined under section 125 to be its business limit for the year; ( plafond des affaires )

means the number (other than a Social Insurance Number or trust account number) used by the Minister to identify

and of which the Minister has notified the corporation, partnership, association or taxpayer; ( numéro d’entreprise )

means the business carried on by an authorized foreign bank through a permanent establishment (as defined by regulation) in Canada, other than business conducted through a representative office registered or required to be registered under section 509 of the Bank Act ; ( entreprise bancaire canadienne )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 125(7); ( société privée sous contrôle canadien )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 89(1); ( société canadienne )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 66.2(5); ( frais d’aménagement au Canada )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 66(15); ( frais d’exploration et d’aménagement au Canada )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 66.1(6); ( frais d’exploration au Canada )

means, except as otherwise prescribed,

and for the purposes of paragraphs (b) to (d),

has the meaning assigned by subsection 66.4(5); ( frais à l’égard de biens canadiens relatifs au pétrole et au gaz )

has the meaning assigned by section 102; ( société de personnes canadienne )

means a partnership that, at any time in respect of which the expression is relevant,

has the meaning assigned by subsection 66(15); ( avoir minier canadien )

has the meaning assigned by section 83; ( dividende en capital )

for a taxation year from the disposition of any property has the meaning assigned by section 39; ( gain en capital )

of a taxpayer in a trust has the meaning assigned by subsection 108(1); ( participation au capital )

for a taxation year from the disposition of any property has the meaning assigned by section 39; ( perte en capital )

has the meaning assigned by section 54; ( immobilisation )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 28(1); ( méthode de comptabilité de caisse )

has the meaning assigned by subsection 148.1(1); ( fiducie pour l’entretien d’un cimetière )

, with respect to a taxpayer at any time, means a person who cohabits at that time in a conjugal relationship with the taxpayer and

and, for the purpose of this definition, where at any time the taxpayer and the person cohabit in a conjugal relationship, they are, at any particular time after that time, deemed to be cohabiting in a conjugal relationship unless they were living separate and apart at the particular time for a period of at least 90 days that includes the particular time because of a breakdown of their conjugal relationship; ( conjoint de fait )

means the relationship between two persons who are common-law partners of each other; ( union de fait )

means a share the holder of which is not precluded on the reduction or redemption of the capital stock from participating in the assets of the corporation beyond the amount paid up on that share plus a fixed premium and a defined rate of dividend; ( action ordinaire )

has, except as expressly otherwise provided in this Act, the meaning assigned by subsection 95(1); ( société étrangère affiliée contrôlée )

includes an incorporated company; ( société )

includes a corporation incorporated in any part of Canada before or after it became part of Canada; ( société constituée au Canada )

to a taxpayer of any property at any time means, except as expressly otherwise provided in this Act,