Web Scripts Reference

Web scripts provide a unique way to programmatically interact with the Content Services server. Unlike other interfaces exposed by Content Services, web scripts offer a RESTful API for the content residing in the repository. The REST (Representational State Transfer) web architecture is based on HTTP requests and responses, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), and document types.

Web scripts let you implement your own RESTful API without tooling or Java knowledge, requiring only a text editor. This approach to developing an Content Services API means that web scripts offer many advantages over existing technologies, including ease and speed of development, and flexibility in API design. By focusing on the RESTful architectural style, web scripts let you build custom URI-identified and HTTP accessible content management web services backed by the Content Services server.

Web scripts provide RESTful access to content held within your repository. You can place controls on your content to manage it and provide uniform access for a wide variety of client applications and services, such as a browser, portal, search engine, or custom application. Because of the inherent distributed nature of this interface, all repositories within the enterprise can resemble one logical collection of inter-related documents (like the web), letting you apply web technologies such as caching, authentication, proxies, and negotiation to your repository resources.

You can build your own RESTful interface using lightweight scripting technologies (such as JavaScript and FreeMarker), allowing you to arbitrarily map any content in the repository to resources on the web, or you can use out-of-the-box web scripts that already encapsulate many of the mappings. The Content Services CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) AtomPub binding is implemented as a series of web scripts.

You can use web scripts for various solutions, such as:

Understanding web scripts

Web scripts let you programmatically interact with the Content Services server. Unlike other interfaces exposed by Content Services, web scripts offer a RESTful API for content in the repository.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style of which the web architecture is the most prominent example, one based on HTTP requests and responses, URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), and document types.

Web scripts let you implement your own RESTful API without tooling or Java knowledge. You simply need your favorite text editor. No compilation, generators, server restarts, or complex installs are required. This approach to developing an Content Services API means that web scripts offer many advantages over existing technologies, including ease and speed of development, and flexibility in API design.

By focusing on the RESTful architectural style and ease of development, web scripts let you build your own custom URI-identified and HTTP accessible content management web services backed by the Content Services server. This is like having an HTTP server with a built-in content repository allowing clients to easily access, manage, and cross-link content via a tailored RESTful interface designed specifically for the application requirements.

Web script types

A web script is a service bound to a URI that responds to HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

There are two kinds of web scripts that use the same underlying code:

  1. Data web scripts
  2. Presentation web scripts


Repository web scripts

Repository web scripts encapsulate access and modification of content/data held in the content repository; therefore, they are provided and exposed only by the Content Services server.

Data web scripts provide a server interface for client applications to query, retrieve, update, and perform processes, typically using request and response formats such as XML and JSON.

Presentation web scripts

Presentation web scripts let you customize and extend the web UI. They typically render HTML and can include browser-hosted JavaScript.

Unlike data web scripts, presentation web scripts can be hosted in the Content Services server or in a separate presentation server. When hosted separately, presentation web scripts in the presentation server interact with data web scripts in the Alfresco content application server by using the Repository REST API.

Web Script Framework

The Web Script Framework is designed according to the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern (sometimes referred to as MVC for the web). While its primary design goal is to ensure that simple web scripts are easy to develop, advanced web scripts can support various features, such as rendering outputs in multiple languages, exposing and adhering to configuration options, and handling HTML form uploads.

You can call existing web scripts or create your own web scripts for new scenarios. For example, you can create your own web script to expose a RESTful interface onto a custom content repository extension.


Web script components

The Web Script Framework lets you create a web script using familiar technologies, such as scripting and template languages.

Each web script comprises only the following components:

Each component is implemented in its own file. The Web Script Framework dictates where the files are located and how they are named. This allows the framework to automatically locate and register web scripts without having to tell the framework where they are. In some cases, a web script can fall back to Java or rely on advanced Web Script Framework features where scripting alone cannot support the requirements of the web script.

Users of a web script only interact through the web script interface, which comprises its URI, HTTP method, and request/response document types. All of these are described in the web script description document, which is defined by the web script creator.


Web script description document

A web script description document is an XML file that describes the URI and HTTP method that initiates the web script. For example, the web script is given a short name and description, along with authentication and transactional needs. URI bindings are described as URI templates.

An example of a web script description document follows:

 Blog Search Sample Sample that finds all blog entries whose content contains the specified search term /sample/blog/search?q= /sample/blog/search.atom?q= /sample/b/s?q= /sample/b/s.atom?q= extension guest required  

Web script controller script

A web script controller script is a JavaScript file that contains the actual logic of a web script.

The controller script can query the repository to build a set of data items, known as a model, to render in the response. It might also update the repository for URIs that intend to modify the repository (PUT, POST, and DELETE method bindings). The JavaScript has access to the URI query string, services, and repository data entry points.

// check that search term has been provided if (args.q == undefined || args.q.length == 0) < status.code = 400; status.message = "Search term has not been provided."; status.redirect = true; >else < // perform search var nodes = search.luceneSearch("TEXT:" + args.q); model.resultset = nodes; >

Web script response template

Known as views, web script response templates render output in the correct format for specific needs, such as HTML, Atom, XML, RSS, JSON, CSV, or any combination of these.

The HTTP response is rendered by using one of the supplied templates, where the chosen template is based on the required response content type or status outcome. The template has access to the URI query string, common repository data entry points, and any data items built by the optional controller script.

  Alfresco Blog query: $  
<#list resultset as node>

Naming conventions

Web script component file names adhere to the naming conventions defined by the Web Script Framework.

Description documents

Web script description document file names have the following structure:

The and elements provide human readable titles for the web script. You can see these in web script documentation and the web script index at: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/index

JavaScript based Controllers

Controller script file names have the following structure:

Java based Controllers

To bind a Spring bean to a Web Script it is only necessary to create a bean with an id of the following structure:

FreeMarker Templates - View

Template file names have the following structure: