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Journal of Marketing (JM) develops and disseminates knowledge about real-world marketing questions useful to scholars, educators, managers, policy makers, consumers, and other societal stakeholders around the world. It is the premier outlet for substantive marketing scholarship. Since its founding in 1936, JM has played a significant role in shaping the content and boundaries of the marketing discipline. Learn more about JM here.

Impact factor: 11.5

What's New

Scholarly Insight

Turning Purpose into Profit: Strategies from Industry Leaders

This Journal of Marketing study shows how organizations that adopt sustainable, positive social and environmental impacts into their core mission also achieve competitive advantages, including enhanced reputation, becoming an employer of choice, and driving innovation.

How Should a Firm Collaborate with Suppliers to Co-develop Products?

Collaborations between firms and suppliers are often beneficial—but they can also be risky. A new Journal of Marketing study finds that misaligned product co-development contracts significantly derail firm innovation 🎧

special issue

Marketing in the Health Care Sector

This Journal of Marketing special issue addresses the complexities arising from disruption in the health care industry while paving the way for further research into how marketing can empower choice, foster competition, and improve health outcomes.

For Authors

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Marketing Insights from AMA Fellows

The Past, Present, and Future of Marketing [Philip Kotler’s Insights]

Phil Kotler, the “father of modern marketing,” reflects on the past and future of the discipline.

Journal of Marketing Research-Driven Apps

Research-Driven App

Writing Clarity Calculator

This tool can help scholars recognize and repair unclear writing so their research can make a larger impact.

Research-Driven App

Market Structure Map

This tool provides an interactive visualization of market structure among brands.

Research-Driven App

Syntactic Surprise Calculator

This tool measures the unexpectedness of syntax to improve marketing communications.

Research-Driven App

Do No Harm? Unintended Consequences Of Pharmaceutical Price Regulation In India

This web companion extends the research paper, “Do No Harm? Unintended Consequences of Pharmaceutical Price Regulation in India” by providing detailed context and results.

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Special Issues

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Journal of Marketing is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming publishing environment that includes editorial teams and scholars of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religious affiliations around the world. JM‘s marketplace of ideas thrives when diverse people and perspectives come together to tackle important marketing questions and problems facing our world.

Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) delves into the latest thinking in marketing research concepts, methods, and applications from a broad range of scholars. It is included in both the Financial Times top 50 business journals and the University of Texas at Dallas research rankings journal list. Learn more about JMR here.

Impact factor: 5.1
Scimago journal ranking: 6.321

Recommended Reading

Scholarly Insight

Does "Repayment-by-Purchase" Help Consumers Pay Down Debt?

Banks have introduced “repayment-by-purchase” options that allow credit card holders to make payments toward specific purchases rather than their aggregate debt. But does this actually help consumers? A Journal of Marketing Research study explores.

Scholarly Insight

Analyzing Metaphors to Get Better Insights from Textual Data

A Journal of Marketing Research study proposes a method for detecting and measuring topic-specific metaphors in big data, helping researchers and marketers better understand consumer sentiment.

special issue

Mitigation in Marketing

This JMR special issue advocates for a mitigation-based approach to marketing scholarship, with a key goal of developing strategies to reduce the potentially deleterious outcomes of marketing.

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Unpacking the Instrumental Variables Approach

This piece helps marketing scholars (1) identify confoundedness concerns in their empirical context, (2) transparently discuss the assumptions that need to hold for the instrumental variable approach to be valid in uncovering a causal effect, and (3) evaluate the plausibility of these assumptions.

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Special Issues