Individual titles and basket collections at the higher reading levels 1 Red through Gold.
Firefighters Then and Now" />
Let us be your personal book shopper! Our basket collections will provide your child with a quality home library for Grades 1 through 12. Each basket contains 25-30 of the best titles available in print, with a mix of engaging titles that are leveled in accordance with the American Reading Leveling System. With a comprehensive library, your child will experience high-success reading and have plenty of choices—both key factors in accelerating reading growth. Please note eBooks are NOT included with these collections.
1R Basket of 30 Books Appropriate for Beginning of Grade 2
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
2R Basket of 30 Books Appropriate for End of Grade 2
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
White Basket of 30 Books Appropriate for Grade 3
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Black Basket of 30 Books Appropriate for Grade 4
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Orange Basket of 30 Books Appropriate for Grade 5
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Purple Basket of 25 Books Appropriate for Grade 6
Includes 25-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Bronze Basket of 25 Books Appropriate for Grades 7 and 8
Includes 25-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Silver Basket of 25 Books Appropriate for Grades 9 and 10
Includes 25-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker
Gold Basket of 25 Books Appropriate for Grades 11 and 12
Includes 25-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker